Simple. Timely. Communication.

The Patient Referral Pipeline

Referring your patient to a retina specialist should be simple, the scheduling process timely, and the communication between providers and office staff efficient and hassle-free. To achieve these goals, we created the patient referral pipeline. Choose whichever path you prefer, knowing that once you have sent the new patient referral, we will do our best to provide your clinic with simple, timely, communication – working together – with you, to provide the best in patient care.

An image of the Front Range Retina Referral form to enter a patient's information

Online referral

The fastest, easiest, and most-hassle free option, the online referral approach provides the five-step simplicity of sending a new patient referral. You can quickly move on to seeing your next patient, knowing we received your referral and will start working on it right away.

Paper/Fax Referrals

We are happy to work with whatever is your current outgoing patient referral process. When you send a new patient referral via fax, rest assured the fax was received (no more need to call just to confirm), as your referral will enter our inbox and be processed with the same urgency and care of all other referrals.

A image of the Front Range Retina form for sending referrals via fax
Image of a telephone


We recognize that emergencies happen, and doctor-to-doctor communication or same-day referrals are often critical in preventing vision loss due to retinal disease. If you feel your patient needs to be seen either today or tomorrow, please call our office so we can help your patients get the emergency care they need.